Tarot Reading w/ Anjel (In-Person) w/ Sliding Scale
Anjel Craig (they/them) - Pisces sun, Leo rising, and Aquarius moon
Anjel is a queer eclectic witch hailing from the deep south who intergtates witchcraft and science through their craft and podcast the Science Witch Podcast. For this special event, they are offering 10 card spreads for 35-50 for 30 min during which they will delve into the tarot to receive messages from the ambient consciousness reaching out to speak to the querent through the medium of tarot. Anjel employs their study of tarot, scientific background, and experience as a witch to deliver a reading that is sure to be relevant and useful for those seeking guidance at this crucial juncture. Come support Anjel and Q. Meb for this special reading session.
Bottle Re-fill program
If we make it or have it bulk we can refill your container you purchased from us with a discount.
Ethically sourced
We really try not to import and shop fair wages
artisan made, queer owned, woman owned, indigenous ancestry